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Dog Kennel Suppliers Near Me Heavy Duty Large Size Stackable Folding Cage Metal Aluminum Pet Cat Dog Crate And Kennel For Large Dogs

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Have you ever experienced one of those days where you feel restless and on edge, but don’t know why? That feeling of your heart racing- like it’s trying to break out of your chest, is something that many of us have experienced at some point in our lives. So what could be the cause behind this restlessness and pent-up energy? Anxiety, defined as an intense feeling of unease or fear, is one of the most common mental health conditions and affects millions of people throughout the United States. 

Oftentimes, anxiety can negatively impact your daily life and interfere with your ability to go about your everyday activities. Even just getting out of bed can feel much more difficult when you’re feeling anxious. Thus, completing larger tasks can almost feel impossible to someone struggling with anxiety. Fortunately, in today’s world, discussions around mental health are becoming much more common and normalized. Not only does this decrease the stigma surrounding mental health conditions, but it provides resources and solutions for people currently experiencing poor mental health. However, a lot of these conversations surrounding mental health are centered on us humans- and not our canine companions.

Can dogs get anxiety?
Let’s talk about your dog’s mental health. You may be thinking, “but wait- aren’t dogs happy all the time?”. Well, just because most of the time our dogs are wagging their tails and barking with excitement, this doesn’t necessarily mean that everything is okay with them, specifically their mental state. In fact, many people don’t realize that dogs are prone to experiencing mental health conditions as well, specifically anxiety. Similar to us humans, dogs can experience intense emotions. Unfortunately, this means dogs are susceptible to experiencing negative emotions, such as sadness or anxiety. 

So why are you now just learning dogs can suffer from anxiety? Many dog owners are unaware that dogs can go through bouts of anxiety, as many people are unaware of the signs their pup may be suffering. Oftentimes, signs of anxiety in dogs can be easily dismissed as being “nothing” or “just a bad day”. Well, since our dogs can't exactly talk to us to explain when something is wrong (wouldn’t that be great?), it's essential to learn the signs of anxiety to look out for. 

Signs of anxiety to look out for
Excessive panting or whining. While this might not sound out of the norm, panting and whining are actually common signs that your dog is experiencing high stress levels. 
More frequent potty accidents. Even if your dog is perfectly potty trained, anxiety can cause your pup to have less control over their bowel and bladder movements. 
Changes in their behavior. When dogs are feeling unwell, this will likely be reflected in their daily behavior and demeanor. 
Destructive habits. Tearing up your couch cushions or chewing the baseboards may be a sign your dog is trying to release some of their pent-up anxious energy. 
Self-isolation. When dogs are experiencing anxiety, they’re more likely to seek places of solitude away from loud or overwhelming environments.

Why do dogs get anxiety?
Anxiety, like many mental health conditions, may be attributed to a variety of causes. If your dog suddenly starts acting anxious- seemingly out of nowhere, it’s likely that something triggered this. Look at it this way: if your dog’s behavior drastically changes, wouldn’t you assume that there was a cause for this? So if you’ve spotted signs of anxiety in your dog and want to know what could be causing this, we’re going to break down some of the reasons your dog may be suffering from this condition.

Changes in environment

Perhaps one of the most common anxiety triggers for dogs is a change in environment. So what about this can be so consequential for dogs? Many dogs become accustomed to their lifestyle and fall into a routine. Any disruption to their routine and environment can be a major stressor for dogs. Imagine this: you raised your dog in the suburbs surrounded by the beautiful outdoors. Let’s say that you decide you want a change of scenery and move into a more densely populated city. A change in your living situation will likely be a bit of an adjustment for you, and the same can be said for your dog. In this case, your pup would likely be exposed to lots of new sounds, scents, and people. Needless to say, this can become very overwhelming for your four-legged friends. A drastic change in environment can cause lots of stress and tension for your dog.

You’re spending more time apart

The human-animal bond is sacred and something to be celebrated. That being said, as much as we all wish we could spend every moment with our four-legged friends, we know that’s not really possible. It is normal for dogs to not spend every second of the day with their human counterpart, but it’s crucial to make note of how your dog responds to longer periods of separation. For example, if your dog was accustomed to playing with you for hours during the day while they were a puppy, suddenly spending less time with them could come as a bit of a shock. Unfortunately, spending time away from their owners can be a common trigger for anxiety in dogs. 

While many dogs are affected by generalized anxiety, there is another anxiety disorder that can affect canines; separation anxiety. This specific type of anxiety differs from generalized anxiety due to the underlying causes. While general anxiety may be attributed to a variety of different nuanced causes, separation anxiety is specifically triggered by dogs being separated from their owners. This is because many dogs find a great source of comfort in being with their owners, so being apart can cause the opposite effect. Dogs suffering from separation anxiety are more prone to experiencing intense feelings of stress and unease when they are physically apart from their owners. 

That being said, if you’re noticing your dog’s behavior change as a result of you spending less time together, this may be a sign your pup is suffering from separation anxiety. It’s important to know what signs to look out for so that you can properly treat your dog’s anxiety and ensure they can get back to being physically and mentally healthy. 

Too much overstimulation

Have you ever heard people say that a dog’s sense of smell is much stronger than ours? Well, not only is that true, but some of dogs’ other senses can be heightened in comparison to us humans. While many people may view this as being an advantage, that’s not always the case. Since dogs have stronger senses, they are more likely to become easily overstimulated. For example, strong smells or loud noises can be very overpowering for dogs, resulting in them feeling overwhelmed. Constant overstimulation can take a serious toll on your dog’s mental state, as they likely will feel on-edge all of the time. This can result in your dog being frequently anxious whenever they are in situations where they’re being overstimulated for long periods of time. 

How can you treat your dog’s anxiety?
As every dog owner knows, there is nothing we hate more than seeing our precious pups suffering. So, it's only natural that we want to do everything in our power to help them. Fortunately, there are many solutions to effectively managing your dog’s anxiety, so that they can get back to enjoying a happy and healthy life. 

Exercise them. As many veterinarians and dog experts agree; exercise provides so many benefits for pups. Thus, ensuring your dog receives plenty of daily exercise is a great way to keep them mentally and physically healthy. 
Give them a safe space to de-compress. As we know, when dogs are feeling anxious or overwhelmed, they instinctively seek out a “hiding spot” to retreat to. Providing your dog with a safe, secure space just for them is a great way to allow them to de-stress on their own- all while ensuring that they are out of harm's way. 
Consult with a professional. For cases of extreme anxiety, it’s a good idea to consult with your veterinarian to come up with the best solution. A veterinarian likely will have many treatment options to recommend for your dog, including supplements, medications, etc. 

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